Kalyana Samayal Saadham

Kalyana Samayal Saadham, 1970

7.5 1970.01.01上映
坦米爾語 喜劇,愛情 2時 4分鐘
Raghu Viswanathan (Prasanna) and Meera Chandrasekaran (Lekha Washington) are both engineers belonging to typical Brahmin families. Too busy with their respective careers, they decide to outsource the job of finding their life partners to their parents. After carefully scrutinising the various matrimonial websites and taking into account the job profile, annual salary and family background, Meera’s parents zero in on Raghu. After the traditional ‘bride seeing’ ceremony, the families believe that Raghu and Meera would make an ideal match, and the couple gets engaged. The wedding is eight months away and the beautiful period of courtship begins.